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zipping mp3 and cdg files
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Author:  earlchagnon [ Tue Oct 21, 2008 7:16 am ]
Post subject:  zipping mp3 and cdg files

Hey everyone,
I'm running into a little dilema I hope can be resolved here. Here goes:
I have a group of folders with mp3's and their associated cdg files. How can I zip these files down in a way that will give me the song title AND the artist info. It seems I can only get the song title, and when I try renaming mp3 tags and/or files the programs i use won't do anything. Very fustrating, as I don't want to manually rename 700 files!

Does anybody have a solution?


Author:  mckyj57 [ Tue Oct 21, 2008 7:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: zipping mp3 and cdg files

earlchagnon @ Tue Oct 21, 2008 10:16 am wrote:
Hey everyone,
I'm running into a little dilema I hope can be resolved here. Here goes:
I have a group of folders with mp3's and their associated cdg files. How can I zip these files down in a way that will give me the song title AND the artist info. It seems I can only get the song title, and when I try renaming mp3 tags and/or files the programs i use won't do anything. Very fustrating, as I don't want to manually rename 700 files!

Does anybody have a solution?

I have a solution, provided you have a question. I don't think anyone can figure out what you are talking about. If you can give an example of what the current file names and MP3 tags are, and what you want them to be, then someone might be able to help.

I do that type of thing with a bunch of custom Perl scripts, but most people use MP3-rename or some other similar file renaming program with mp3 IDVx tag support.

Author:  earlchagnon [ Tue Oct 21, 2008 8:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: zipping mp3 and cdg files

mckyj57 @ Tue Oct 21, 2008 10:24 am wrote:
earlchagnon @ Tue Oct 21, 2008 10:16 am wrote:

Does anybody have a solution?

I have a solution, provided you have a question. I don't think anyone can figure out what you are talking about. If you can give an example of what the current file names and MP3 tags are, and what you want them to be, then someone might be able to help.

I do that type of thing with a bunch of custom Perl scripts, but most people use MP3-rename or some other similar file renaming program with mp3 IDVx tag support.

Thanks mckyj57, I'll elaborate

two files I want to zip together;
Addicted to Love.cdg
Addicted to Love.mp3

now, the mp3 file has the ID tag info for album, artist, etc. while the cgd does not. However, when I zip the file down the program names the .zip with title only, and I lose the tag info for the mp3. So it's my conclusion that the zipping software is only reading the info from the cdg when it names the zip file. Is there a way to rename the cdg with the associated mp3's info?

I'd like either both files to be renamed:
Addicted to Love - Robert Palmer.cdg
Addicted to Love - Robert Palmer.mp3

both files still say
Addicted to Love.cdg
Addicted to Love.mp3

but the zip file created with these two to be renamed with the tag info from the mp3

hope this helps

Author:  knightshow [ Tue Oct 21, 2008 10:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: zipping mp3 and cdg files

most programs that would rename them are done with the title, not the ID3 tags.

Author:  exweedfarmer [ Tue Oct 21, 2008 11:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: zipping mp3 and cdg files

earlchagnon @ Tue Oct 21, 2008 7:16 am wrote:
Hey everyone,
I'm running into a little dilema I hope can be resolved here. Here goes:
I have a group of folders with mp3's and their associated cdg files. How can I zip these files down in a way that will give me the song title AND the artist info. It seems I can only get the song title, and when I try renaming mp3 tags and/or files the programs i use won't do anything. Very fustrating, as I don't want to manually rename 700 files!

Does anybody have a solution?


Let's restate the question and see if the answer presents itself.

"I want to hit myself in the head with a hammer (zipping) because someone told me it was the thing to do. But, when I hit myself it makes me dizzy, also my hat doesn't fit properly anymore and blood spatter has made the label in the hat unreadable even if I wasn't dizzy. What can I do?"

Thus restated, some might conclude that hitting yourself in the head with a hammer (zipping) in the first place may have been ill advised.

Try, not hiting.

Try, not zipping. Another victory for William of Ocham!!!!!

Author:  knightshow [ Tue Oct 21, 2008 11:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: zipping mp3 and cdg files

I don't PERSONALLY use .zip files for karaoke, other than storing them on my other hard drive. BUT if someone asks me a question, I'll try to answer them. Because what works for me doesn't necessarily work for someone else!

Author:  mckyj57 [ Tue Oct 21, 2008 12:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: zipping mp3 and cdg files

There is a program which claims to rename files supporting MP3 tags:


As for the CDG part, I can't be sure what it does. And I have *no* knowledge of the program.

I can write such a program in a few minutes, but you would need Perl along with the MP3::Tag module. Here is the program:


use MP3::Tag;
use Getopt::Std;

my @files = glob('*.mp3');

for my $filename (@files) {

my $cdgfile = $filename;
$cdgfile =~ s/\.(\w+)$/.cdg/;
unless (-f $cdgfile) {
warn "No CDG file to match $filename, skipping.\n";

my $mp3 = MP3::Tag->new($filename);

# get some information about the file in the easiest way
my ($title, $track, $artist, $album, $comment, $year, $genre) =

unless($title and $artist) {
warn "No artist and title tags in $filename, skipping.\n";

# Fix common naming problems
for(\$artist, \$title) {
$$_ =~ s/ _ / \& /g;
$$_ =~ s/\.//g;
$$_ =~ s/"/'/g;

rename $filename, "$artist - $title.mp3"
and $opt{v} and warn "Renamed $filename -> $artist - $title.mp3\n";
rename $cdgfile, "$artist - $title.cdg"
and $opt{v} and warn "Renamed $cdgfile -> $artist - $title.cdg\n";

Now install ActiveState Perl (or whatever it is called these days) and get the MP3::Tag module. And you have it. 8-)

Author:  sw00000p [ Tue Oct 21, 2008 3:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: zipping mp3 and cdg files

earlchagnon @ Tue Oct 21, 2008 8:11 am wrote:

I'd like either both files to be renamed:
Addicted to Love - Robert Palmer.cdg
Addicted to Love - Robert Palmer.mp3

Here's a user friendly simple suggestion! Load your MP3+G files unzipped into one folder.
* Download Tag & Rename (FREE) and open it up.
* Browse to the folder where your MP3+G files are.
* Click on the various boxes to obtain the desired Naming Format!
* Select Rename and Both (.MP3 and the .CDG) files are Renamed

NOTE: Only MP3 files are displayed but both files are renamed.
You can Batch rename an entire folder in one sw00000p.

On the Top of Tag & Rename are 3 Boxes to choose from:
Box 1 - Rename Files (F4)
Box 2 - Multifile Tag Editor (Ctrl +F4)
Box 3 - Get Tags from File Name (Shift F4)

Addicted to Love - Robert Palmer = TITLE - ARTIST

* Select Box 1 and select MASK EDITOR
* Click the TITLE (%2) box
* Click the ARTIST (%1) box
* Select Preview then Rename
RESULT: Addicted to Love - Robert Palmer

Kind Regards,

Author:  sw00000p [ Tue Oct 21, 2008 3:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: zipping mp3 and cdg files

Now to zip these files... Download the latest MP3+G Toolz. (FREE)

Open MP3+G Toolz by Right-Clicking the folder containing your MP3+G files.
Select / Options

Under Auto-Rename Naming Format TYPE:
Select / OK
Select / Convert Audio+G to Zip
Select / Start

Kind Regards,

Author:  cuhnkedrik [ Mon Oct 02, 2023 12:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: zipping mp3 and cdg files

[quote="earlchagnon"]Hey everyone,
I'm running into a little dilema I hope can be resolved here. Here goes:
I have a group of folders with mp3's and their associated cdg files. How can I zip these files down in a way that will give me the song title AND the artist info. It seems I can only get the song title, and when I try renaming mp3 tags and/or files the programs i use won't do anything. Very fustrating, as I don't want to manually rename 700 files!

Does anybody have a solution?

Let’s try restating the question to see if anything new emerges.

Someone advised me to "zip," and now I feel like hitting myself over the head with a hammer. The problem is that I get dizzy when I hit myself, my hat doesn't fit right, and the label is unreadable due to blood spatter. How should I proceed?

Now that it's been rephrased like this, maybe it's not such a good idea to strike yourself over the head with a hammer (zip) to begin with.

Instead of hitting, try.

Author:  DannyG2006 [ Fri Mar 15, 2024 6:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: zipping mp3 and cdg files

I know that this is an old post but I have found a program that not only names from the tags but will name the cdg file as well. MP3Tag. It will also rename MP4 files as well. I keep the program because of the mp4 renaming. I use latshaw's karaoke file manager for the mp3 files which I don't buy anymore.

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